Earth Without Us is a result many discussions borne out of frustration on how people interact with our planet. We wanted to drum up more thought, conversation, and action on ways we can make this world better, sustainable, and survivable for the future. These are selfish needs for all people because - let’s face it - Earth will be just fine without us.

We, the bloggers, are engineers by trade, driven by coming up with, and discovering better ways we can help the Earth. Our idea is simple. Let’s write about, discuss, and convey topics that will benefit the world and environmental sustainability for generations to come.

If you have any questions or topics that you would like us to deep-dive on, please email by clicking the “Contact Us” button in the top left corner.


Michelle Brouwer


I am an engineer and creative problem solver who is passionate about conservation and sustainable design. I am also a reader, hiker, dog mom, rock climber, cook, swimmer, traveler, and yogi. I started this blog to explore the social, environmental, and economic impacts of the things I am interested in, and have a positive impact on my community.


Chad Neumann


I am a tiger tamer. I have a passion for making things work more efficient and effective. By day, I am an engineer. By night, I could be a chef, building with Lego bricks, woodworking, or reading a book about native trees for future natural landscaping. One reason I started this blog was I wanted to put my thoughts out there and turn them into tangible action to save the human race.