Plant (Donate) a Tree… or Seven!

Happy Arbor Day!

Celebrating 150 years of a tree planting holiday.

The average American uses 7 trees per year. That equates to 2,328,444,251 trees used per year in the USA alone! The US population as I write this is 332,634,893. Are we doing our part to replenish what we use? One way to help would be to plant trees on any land you own. But what if you aren’t able to do that, consider donating to plant trees.

Places to Donate: (for residents of Michigan) (supported by some YouTube favorites, Mr. Beast and Mark Rober)

Remember to check all details before making a donation. This way you feel comfortable with your funding. For $1, you can effectively plant one tree. For $7 per year, you can offset your usage, that is achievable. But, why stop there?! How many people are you willing to offset their usage?

Young bur oak Ann Arbor

Bur oak we purchased from Abbott's in Ann Arbor and planted in 2018

Birch tree Union Township Michigan

Birch tree in Union Township, Michigan at the fork of the Boardman River

Trees are great! Go out and explore them, enjoy them, and support growing more of them.

tree saplings oak savanna

Black and bur oak and sugar maple saplings planted in 2021

Other fun facts about tree:

  • Trees are the longest living organisms on Earth, and never die of old age

    • California holds the record for the oldest living trees. Some of the state’s bristlecone pines and giant sequoias are 4,000-5,000 years old. Methuselah, an estimated 4,852-year-old ancient Bristlecone Pine, is one of the oldest living trees in the world.

  • One mature tree will remove about 22 kilograms of carbon dioxide from the Earth’s atmosphere

    • That is only enough to offset burning 2.5 gallons of gasoline (plant more trees!)

  • Well-kept landscapes with trees increase property value

    • Several recent nationwide surveys show that mature trees in a well-landscaped yard can increase the value of a house by seven to 19 percent. A study by a Michigan State professor found that across seven different states, study participants perceived that home value increased from five to 11% for homes with a good landscape.

  • Before trees, Earth was home to fungi that grew 26 feet tall

  • Adding one tree to an open pasture can increase its bird biodiversity from almost zero species to as high as 80

  • Famous trees

A throwback to my childhood memory of the Arbor Day Foundation with their 1986 ad!